And when we know that early ‘3‘ can be read as ‘l‘, then it turns out that ‘Lust‘ (‘3s.t‘) 1) is just one of the many names of Isis.
‘Licht‘ (‘3h.t‘) 2) (the ‘horizon’ – the light just beginning) becomes the Germanic word for ‘light’.
‘Jubilation’ is the word for dance, ‘jb3‘ 3) picked up by Italo-Celtic, probably the ritual language of the Bell Beakers as they spread out along the coastline to become the new Megalithic elite.
‘Heli‘ (‘h3j‘),4) ‘to descend’, becomes the Norse goddess of the Underworld 🙂 and much more besides…
‘Fly‘ (‘f3j‘) and ‘ply‘ (‘p3j‘) 5) became Germanic ‘fly.’
‘Dubble‘ (‘db3‘) becomes ‘double’, ‘b3b3‘ becomes ‘bubble’, ‘md3t‘ becomes ‘model’ … 6)
And ‘bull‘ (‘b3‘) 7) of course, is a word for ‘bull’ or ‘ram’ or other large piece of related livestock in so many East Caucasian and Afro-Asiatic languages – so it probably goes back to the origins of herding, in or around the Middle East towards the end of the Ice Age…
1)Grundriss des Laufes der Sterne, tr. Alexandra von Lieven, p.354
2)Grundriss des Laufes der Sterne, tr. Alexandra von Lieven, p.354
3)A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen, vol.1, p.219
4)A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen, vol.1, p.247
5)A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen, vol.1, p.232, 234
6)A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen, vol.1, p.230, 239, 275
7)A Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen, vol.1, p.230