March 20, 1965
As for what is called ‘kamae‘, for example, the way it is used in fighting with ‘karate’, or ‘boxing’: because it is made so obvious, it is easy to deal with when done that way. Without taking up a kamae, it’s good to advance, with an in-breath. At the precise moment that aite takes up a kamae, fell them.
April 11, 1966
Taking up a kamae in hopes of catching and spinning around the enemy’s attack is really bad. Letting your body move spontaneously, first of all avoid them. At the same time pay attention to their eyes. Those of you who do kendo will have the knack of focussing on this spot. However there are occasions when the correct thing to do is to ignore their eyes and focus on their fore-arms.
July 4, 1967
Mugamae – although shizentai is said to be good, it’s questionable how well from [shizentai] a person can move about freely. On the other hand, in the case of someone assuming a kamae, there is no saying simply that that is good or bad: you have to consider “what is aite‘s intention”, and what sort of kamae. For instance, facing a yari, if you stand in shizentai, you will be immediately run through the stomach. It is essential to think about [this] with an open mind that does not criticize others needlessly.
August 12, 1968
Shizentai. The natural form of legs somewhat less than shoulder-width apart is possibly [- because it is natural – ] the most beneficial for moving quickly. Moving your body by putting strength into your hara with a quick inhale, [but] not putting strength into your legs. [As for the thought that] you can decide a real fight in one shot by putting strength into your waza: [the reality is that] with shizentai, if you do n o t put strength in, you are able to attack by transforming [your body] freely to left, right, any direction. However, in sumo, when you take up a kamae with your legs spread widely, it’s obvious that you cannot move forward quickly. It’s important to use your head!
May 23, 1972
If they take up a kamae in the manner of boxing, take advantage of this: unbalance them by drawing out their forward arm.
– – – reported by Keisetsu YOSHIMARU in Aikido no Ogi