…New Year’s Message(2)…

  • – – – Kimbal Anderson Sensei

….and he said, ‘leaders do not fall from the sky. Leaders are an exact reflection of your culture. If you want to have a different kind of leader, change your culture…”

Something we do in our practice, in keiko, is we are refining our internal culture. The dojo itself is a beautiful culture. It’s not only a university of deep learning, it’s also a family. It’s also “I’ve got your back”… “Help me move that furniture”.  It is a macrocosm/microcosm kind of thing. The dojo is a microcosm of the universe. 

And I always try to make sure everyone is learning to be the lineage. So that no-one’s better, worse, or whatever. 

Because I know, if we’re going to change anything in the culture, it’s going to have to emerge that way.

Corporate culture is not based on humanism. It is an exploitative kind of programmed entertainment, to address and develop a culture that’s really exactly what’s happening now. You can see the face  of the media in the culture, now.

We have to change that. 

If we don’t change that it’s going to get messy. 

And being a person who believes that the planet is a conscious, living entity, and that I am quite literally a little bunch of its physical mass walking around, living. I think we need leaders who embrace that thinking. I mean we really do. They would be able to see everyone in the big picture.

Anyway, that’s my 2022 dojo talk.

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