Category Archives: Translations

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (3)

Your physical movement must become a gesture that liberates.

– – – translated (and possibly paraphrased in translation) by Itsuo Tsuda, recorded by André Nocquet Shihan in his Hombu training diary, 1955-57. Published in Maître Morihei Ueshiba: présence et message
p. 183

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (4)

The goal of Budo is Friendship.  Train in such a way that your spirit harmonizes with everything that lives on this Earth.

– – – recorded by André Nocquet Shihan,  reported by J.-D Cauhépé and A. Kuang,  Shobu aïki. La victoire selon l’art chevaleresque de Morihei Ueshiba, pp. 38, and 43

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (6)

We never stop praying that there will be no fighting.  But if evil does come, we must be strong enough to sweep it away and protect Justice.

– – – reported by J-D. Cauhépé and A. Kuang,  Shobu aïki. La victoire selon l’art chevaleresque de Morihei Ueshiba,  p.43

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (7)

In Aiki, live in the “present”, “naka-ima“, the eternal Now, and it will manifest in you and make you a co-creator of the Love and Solidarity which is due to all of Humanity: both on Earth and in Heaven: that is to say, to all those who have worked for and who still work for the diffusion and fertilization of Life.

– – – translated (and possibly paraphrased in translation) by Itsuo Tsuda, recorded by André Nocquet Shihan in his Hombu training diary, 1955-57. Published in Maître Morihei Ueshiba: présence et message  p.210

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (8)

Bu has come down to us from ancient times, and it’s important to understand that its original nature is to take our animal spirits and to manifest there the spirit of the creator, and to make the three worlds [ – manifest, hidden and divine – ] join together in harmony and loving kindness and mutual care… this is what it really is.

– – – O’Sensei,  probably audio-recorded by by Masatake Fujita,  transcribed by Sadateru Arikawa Shihan, published in Aiki-Shinzui,  p.90

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (9)

For every single one of us, the meaning of being in this world – and the fact that that meaning is in our own life and soul – is something we have to be awakened to. This is absolutely essential, because it is this will be the origin and source of peace in this world.

– – – reported by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan,  Densho to Tomoshibi    p. 54

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (10)

The beautiful workings of this [natural] universe are something you should know well, and it is absolutely essential to apprentice yourself as someone who follows these workings.  And in reality, this is the public – and devotional – service to the planet and to humanity that aikido performs.

– – – O’Sensei,  probably audio-recorded by by Masatake Fujita,  transcribed by Sadateru Arikawa Shihan, published in Aiki-Shinzui,  pp. 117-118

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (11)

And as we absorb these teachings, we find that every lesson on human nature is in there. And that they are a medicine for the rebirth and repair of our planet – that we each have access to, in our own way.  And that this aiki of ours is also a medicine for the rebirth and repair of our planet, and that it has been given to us for the benefit of all things. And because of this, you must come together in musubi, when you train: polishing your spiritual sinews and muscles… and your intention – in sum, your spiritual resources.

– – – O’Sensei,  probably audio-recorded by by Masatake Fujita,  transcribed by Sadateru Arikawa Shihan, published in Aiki-Shinzui,  p. 146

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (13)

It is essential not to be quarrelsome and disputatious.  Everything must be about musubi. If this is not the case, then your true strengths cannot emerge. And you will surely find that if this is not the case, then all of your keiko becomes ineffectual and pointless.

– – – O’Sensei,  probably audio-recorded by by Masatake Fujita,  transcribed by Sadateru Arikawa Shihan, published in Aiki-Shinzui,  p.28

O’Sensei no kuden: peace in the world (14)

Because we are, ourselves, a part of Dai Shizen – Great Nature – we have to be progressing in a direction that develops harmony in our world.  We have to create a society and a world of perfect love.  We have to wake up and become citizens who imagine – and work towards – a statesmanship that is of everything in Heaven and Earth. We must protect the process of organizing and co-ordinating the realization of Mencius’ ‘Great Way’  – Daidou 1) – which is to say, co-ordinating the natural ongoing generative and creative powers of everything in Heaven and Earth.

– – – reported by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan,  Densho to Tomoshibi    p. 86

1) The Book of Mencius, as quoted by Wang Yang Ming, Instructions for Practical Living,  part II: “Mencius said: ‘The way of truth is like a great Road. Is it difficult to know? The trouble is that men do not follow it.’ “