Category Archives: IroIro

Member related art, essays, links and other assorted media

Lynn has several sculptures to cast to order…

..go to Lynn-san’s website, and read her blog….

…The Blue Hen Cooking Club!!!…

….Cooking classes and Cooking Parties...

Learn to cook wholesome food that transcends trends, with Alison-san and Kimbal Sensei. A gluten-free spin on the farm to table movement: fresh, local, organic and seasonal foods.

  • Contact
  • (208) 810-5277

…Tim-san – shinkokyu!!!…



…Kannagara Aiki Taisai(2)!!!…


…all photographs by Joe Melberg…

…peace-pole in Spring…

…in three thousand worlds!!!…

Randy has a new book published…

…a contemporary English translation of the PSALMS, from what is known as the Septuagint:  which is the old Greek translation of the scriptures, used in the first century AD by both Christian and Jewish communities.  So… a book of prayers, a book of teachings, for liturgical use or for spiritual growth… 

…peace pole!!!…


…on preparing to travel – with kasa and zori…

Basho is leaving –
and after his death,
the years have no end…

– – – Buson