Category Archives: Irimi

…accuracy and irimi: kumi-jo!!!…


O’Sensei no Kuden: Irimi

Aikido is irimi and atemi.

– – – reported by Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan – French language interview on Budo no Nayami website

O’Sensei no Kuden: Irimi (2)

Triangular irimi,  circular [spiraling] while you’re handling [aite],  square [choku-sen] to finish up.

– – – reported by Morihiro Saito Shihan,  Traditional Aikido,  vol. 5,  p.18

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (3)

Between him and I, there is a +  [the Japanese character for “10”]

– – – reported by Henry Kono Shihan in Yin and Yang in Motion, interview with Guillaume Erard.

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (4)

You must enter the opponent, get inside him, and then draw him into you.

– – – reported by Kamada Hisao,  JMAS newsletter,  March 1984

O’Sensei no Kuden: Irimi (5)

Irimi is Ichi-no-Tachi,  swords passing each other. Leap forward as the opponent inhales; apply technique with your exhalation.

– – – reported by Shigenobu Okumura Shihan in Kaiso no Yokugao, tr. Christopher Li on the Sangenkai website

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (6)

Enter without hesitating, without a single thought, and your movement will become whatever [the flow of] ki wants it to be, with no conscious intention on your part.

– – – translated (and possibly paraphrased in translation) by Itsuo Tsuda, recorded by André Nocquet Shihan in his Hombu training diary, 1955-57.  Published in Maître Morihei Ueshiba: présence et message  p.143

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (7)

Irimi-nage – it appears to be very simple, but [you young folk should] try to understand what I had to live through and endure in order to create it…

– – – reported by Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan,  Aikido, étiquette et transmission  p. 139

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (8)

Enter without hesitating! That’s all you have to do.

– – – reported by André Nocquet Shihan,  Maitre Morihei Ueshiba presence et message , p.240

O’Sensei no kuden: Irimi (9)

Enter without hesitating, “ki” knows what it must do. Let it enter the house of your heart and act in your place.

– – – translated (and possibly paraphrased in translation) by Itsuo Tsuda, recorded by André Nocquet Shihan in his Hombu training diary, 1955-57.  Published in Maître Morihei Ueshiba: présence et message  p.282