“If it is a Full Moon, you will want to bring the Goddess energy into the Circle….it produces an altered state of consciousness…There are…several ways of accomplishing this.
“One way is for [a] dance to be undertaken with “calls”. Now calls for the most part, are vowels only….”calls” are all vowels strung together in certain ways. They also need to be trilled or vibrated when vocalised, it is the vibrations in the ether that makes them work.
” ‘I-A-O’, is one such call for the Goddess. The sounds have to be made ‘long’. ‘I-I-I-Ay-Ay-Ay-O-O-O-O’, that sort of sound needs to be trilled. Another one is ‘O-A-U-E-I’….
“[The] silver web vibrates to thought in a lesser degree, and to sounds in a greater. The vibrating of the web on particular parts, produces certain results. So trilling out sounds that are associated with the Goddess or the feminine energies, will vibrate on that part of the web where that particular energy resides.”
– – – Rhiannon Ryall, Celtic Lore and Druidic Ritual, p10-11
This was a regular part of O’Sensei’s warm-up routine…
…and remembering that the Mongolians who swept down through Korea into Japan, and settled there as the Yayoi – which is what the aDNA tells us – were the South Eastern end of the Bronze Age world system, and that the maritime routes of the Nordic Bronze Age – with the early Insular Celtic and whatever other languages, pidgins and Creoles they were speaking – were the North Western end of the Bronze Age world system…
…and later, where the warrior-fraternities gathered individually for well-fashioned metal, and age-old worship, in the Val di Camonica, Freya’s name – which is spelled PUEIA at Bedolina by a Celtic or Etruscan scribe whose mother-tongue rolled their ‘R’s vigorously, and who knew that the Northern tribes pronounced their ‘P’s as ‘pf’ – …
…is spelled PRIAUIUI with a little help from Nature, on Rock 1, Pioggia della Croce in Berzo-Demo
…thus using additional vowels, but also using only the sacred, original three vowels – the vowels of Shiva -…
And on other rocks in the Val di Camonica we find just such sequences of five vowels, including precisely the sequence that O’Sensei would have recognised as the Amatsu Sugaso sequence that he normally used in public (just one time, at his sacred home in Iwama, Saito Sensei records him using the even more sacred Amatsu Futonorito sequence (AIEOU))…