Budo as self-correction(2)…

  • – – – Kimbal Anderson Sensei

So…. our training is meant as a kind of  becoming versus a kind of achieving…

And it does require courage. Courage in the freaking mundane: “how am I going to live today?” “How am I going to live this circumstance?” “How am I going to be…” you know? 

And you also have to realize: is sometimes we cut ourselves off from support.

I think the biggest thing I really finally grasped on a grateful level was: there are situations and beings and layers who know way more than I know right now. And they’re offering it.

I do have to do my part, which is pony up and accept it… allow it to modify my basis of what I am.  Also, stop thinking I need to defeat some philosophical parent and simply be glad they have the knowledge. 

And learn how to embody it

I think this whole argue-about-everything thing has gone about as far as it can go, particularly with nuclear weapons…  I’m far more concerned about computers and AI and all that crap that can happen…

AI’s kind of dangerous.  In the wrong hands, its ‘worse than a nuke. You can just turn everything off, literally.

I think humans need to get their evolving in gear. 

At this point, it appears, that many people have not chose growth and autonomy.  They’ve chose freedom and fighting which isn’t growth and autonomy  but they mistake them for those things…  And if the bulk of the people just want to follow something, we need to make sure that it’s  beautiful and healthy, and doesn’t make slaves…  Because they can sacrifice their lives to something that’s really pretty harmful to the planet.

Our Earth-jewel’s the most precious thing we have. It is us. It is not our possession… We literally are that. 

And I think that O’Sensei, for all of his foibles,  I think he understood that. He got there the hard way. And I respect that a ton.

I hope to benefit from the wisdom of those who know. 

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