Andre Nocquet Shihan’s first student: on Ame-no-Torifune

Tama no Hireburi                          Fune kogi

1> Calming
Entering a state of receptivity

2> Left foot forward. Hypate.
Bringing the energies of Fire to yourself.
Birth, growth of the tree towards the Zenith.
red          TRIANGLEUPcauhepeSMALL

EI-EI [or EI-O] 1)

3> The accumulation of knowledge
and virtue only happens with gentleness.
Rising of Fire corresponding to receptivity to the
complementary Element, [Water]..

4> Right foot forward. Mese.
Bringing the energies of Water to yourself.
Life develops harmoniously through the reciprocal interpenetration of the two Elements [Water and Fire]. Heaven and Earth become unified. The branches of the tree deploy.

EI-O [or EI-SA] 1)

5>  The ‘ethers‘ of Heaven and Earth
fuse to produce internal fire which will rise.

6> Left foot forward. Nete.
Air [Wind/Wood] is born of the union of Water and Fire in an
unceasing continuum. The “Child” of this union
Ki-Lightning-Thunder” is let loose, and “bursts out”, spreading peace in the 4 directions. The sound is the “result” of the shock between the yang of the ether and the yin of the internally  accumulated submission. Blossoming of the tree’s blossom.


E I-SA [or EI-EI 2)]  1)

7>  Peace engenders humility and the
seven  successive modifications of being […access to all eight trigram energies…]

1) Amended to follow the  Tsubaki Shrine’s traditional order. The original is the same sequence, but with a décalage of one. There are so many possible reasons for that: from traditional ryu teaching, to simplified modern teaching, to a simple mistake in taking notes…
2) which curiously evokes its Japanese homonym: “Ei-ei” – “eternally”.

Le jeu des energies réspiratoires, gestuelles et sonores dans la pratique de l’aikido,   J.-D Cauhépé and A. Kuang,   p. 167

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