Understanding that the mystery of existence is directly related to the ki-connectedness between us all can allow us to learn techniques for influencing an audience, fellow-performers, or an opposing swordsman. And the experience of practising these same techniques enhances our own creative flow and powers of collaboration.
Kigaku – – – the study of ki – – – is a part of most traditional Japanese arts – – – comprising a rich body of practice and wisdom: ki-flow, kizeme, working with our ki-body…
Practising these traditional exercises in the sacred dojo space, constructed according to mikkyo principles, is in itself a powerful and revelatory experience, and a making contact with the roots of Suzuki actor training, and of many gendai martial arts.
Practised as a ‘do‘, a Way, kigaku is a gateway to the mysterious: monji yugen kigaku-ho – A returning to the roots of the ancient (ken-no-michi) to deepen the modern (Suzuki-ho).
“…opened up new opportunity for continuing growth, already reflected by improved engagement in my writing these past two days.” – Heidi Kraay, playwright and theater-practitioner
For performers, artists, and creative practitioners of every tradition.
First Saturday of the month, 9:00 – 10:30am.
* mat fee $15 *